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Serving delicous fresh steak since 2016 in Pattaya, we pride ourselves on our friendly relaxed service and signature dishes and fine wines. When you have a great time we have a great time. come and see us in Central Pattaya.

Looking for the perfect dining spot to enjoy a succulent steak in Pattaya? Look no further than our premier steakhouse, the ultimate destination for foodies and meat lovers.

Featuring an elegant and modern interior, our restaurant offers a warm and inviting ambiance that’s perfect for intimate dinners or celebratory gatherings. At our steakhouse, we pride ourselves on sourcing only the finest cuts of meat from premium suppliers, ensuring that each dish we serve is of the highest quality. Whether you prefer a savory sirloin or a mouthwatering Rib eye, our skilled chefs have mastered the art of grilling and will prepare your order to perfection, using only the best cooking techniques to bring out the natural flavors and juices of the meat.

In addition to our top-notch steaks, we also offer an extensive selection of flavorful sides, fresh salads, and decadent desserts, and a well sourced wine selection all of which are designed to complement your meal and provide the perfect finishing touch to your dining experience.

So why wait? Book your table at our steak restaurant in city centre Pattaya today and treat yourself to a truly unforgettable culinary journey. Our friendly staff are on hand to provide you with an exceptional dining experience, ensuring that each and every guest leaves feeling satisfied and delighted.
